What conditions does CranioSacral Therapy potentially help?

Migraines, concussion and headaches – open your mind up to the fact that many concussion or other symptoms may be…. imagine if many concussion symptoms just jammed up head bones and membranes.

CST is a gentle treatment that is suitable for all types of people including men and women, children, teenagers, new born babies, pregnant women and older people. CST may help people with

Chronic back and neck pain
Anxiety and Depression
Central nervous system disorders
Brain and spinal cord injuries
Colic / Reflux
Infant and childhood disorders
Chronic fatigue


Stress and Tension 
Motor co-ordination impairments
Infertility problems
TMJ syndrome

Learning disabilities
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Orthopaedic problems

And many other conditions


“I have recently been to see Gill Redden, mainly for help with migraines but after the first session I quickly realised that I have not had one dizzy spell. I have been getting these attacks constantly for the past year, due to a benign tumour in my right inner ear.

Three months later they still have not returned. I was unable to lift my eyes upward or bend down without falling over. Currently I am whitebaiting in South Westland and up and down the river bank easily – though not much whitebait.

I will still pursue the migraine treatment but am thrilled with the current results.”

Thanks, Jill Goom